Call centers
2nd July 2005
Regarding the undersea cable issue. Its sad to see Pakistan’s call center sector, which is still in its infancy being hit badly by it. Why we don’t have a backup. Why everything depends on that one undersea cable. I have always been intrigued by this whole out- sourcing and call center phenomenon, which is not much of a profession if you come to think of it in a traditional way. Also, when it comes to skills but just because some people are good with a certain language, they can earn them millions of dollars. Here’s the link on this issue:,7204,15815164%5E15306%5E%5Enbv%5E,00.html
Update: Read recently, that the call centers were provided a backup immediately on satellite. However, there are some minor bandwidth issues there. Apparently, it’s the banks, airlines and MNC’s, not to forget the regular consumers who have been badly hit. The banks are in worse possible scenario. I don’t know if ATMs have anything to do with the internet, probably they do, cuz I tried four different ATMs before I could finally take out money last night.
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