Thursday, October 14, 2004

Another day

It's been a slow start to a regressive day. It's dusty and dry outside and in this encapsulated office room.

Ultra cool air blasting from the Airconditioner has made the temperatures drop down, quite a bit. It's been downhill over all. There are occassional phone calls which break the prolonged silence, like the unexpected burp after eating a Happymeal.

Or the faint shuffling of papers which hums up a monotonous noise.

My brain's swimming slowly downhill. I cant think... it's scaring me. What am I coming to? A designer's mental block. I have forgotten the stuff that I was supposed to design. I try hanging on to some threads dangling in the my computer world. I aint getting nowhere.

Somethings dont really need to imply anything. They just simplify state of mind.


At 10:48 AM , Blogger Metlin said...

Maybe you should take a break or two =)

At 7:47 AM , Blogger Tamanna said...

hey madiha
Nice blogs re! really good pics!

I too feel the same sometimes. working at something for too long makes me blank about the next step. When something like that happens, i take a break, do something else for a change and later get back to it.

I guess these blanks are a must for something good to happen :-D
will keep track of the blogs to know when it flashed :-D

At 7:50 AM , Blogger Tamanna said...

he he I didnt see the date of the post before commenting :-D So when did the flash come? :-D :-D


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